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Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:31 pm
by Ross
From the ACT Vets Google Group
A white station wagon approached the Friday morning bunch today (18Jan) with his horn audible, he then moved closely alongsidedeliberately clipping one of the riders. I could hear people reciting the number plate but was not clear as to who would report this. Asimilar incident occurred in a bunch I was riding with in Ainslie before Xmas with the same vehicle and rego. If someone who is reading this; is or has reported this incident to police I would be grateful if you could contact me so that we can make sure that the police are aware that this is not an isolated incident by this driver. Regards Judy Scott 0413954342 judy.scott@iinet dot net dot au

Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:15 pm
by cp123

Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:17 pm
by find_bruce
Just lovely - psychopath's in charge of a deadly weapon. No serious injuries this time I hope

Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:20 pm
by fatdudeonabike
I really pray this never happens to me (and I'm not a prayer...)
I need to learn not to be a hot-head riding a bike... because that guy would be tailed until he was caught and he'd be given a savage beating. A savage beating.
And of course, we know which party the police would punish if that were to happen...

Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:24 pm
by Sydguy
Disgusting - this type of thing makes me ride harder, faster, more often and incites me to take the lane even when it is practical to stay left.

Cyclists need an online portal to report this type of crime, more so we know it is reported than for ease of reporting.


Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:04 pm
by mrgolf
Seems completely bizaare that they wouldnt stop there and then to ring the police while the number plate was clear in their minds. They would also have the advantage of knowing the car was within a specified area and might increase the chances of being caught if the cops were interested.

Anyone know which bunch it was? I assume south side 'grandpa' ride (as opposed to the HoT).

Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:13 pm
by Howzat
If this was the same car twice, it's a very serious criminal matter.

Re: Motor Vehicle incident in Friday morning’s bunch ride‏

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:52 am
by seddo
mrgolf wrote:Seems completely bizaare that they wouldnt stop there and then to ring the police while the number plate was clear in their minds. They would also have the advantage of knowing the car was within a specified area and might increase the chances of being caught if the cops were interested.

Anyone know which bunch it was? I assume south side 'grandpa' ride (as opposed to the HoT).
+1 - better chance of AFP catching the culprit