Onya Missy.
Like you I wil be attempting the 200 for the first time next year but I do have the benefit of knowledge of what training worked and didn't work
for the 130 I did this year.
Start climbing big climbs ASAP!
(However, after this weekends fresh dump on all the Victorian mountains you might have to rework some immediate training plans.
Having said that there are many variables that make the AAC such a challenge and the hills are only part of it.(Albeit a pretty big one.
) Get used to a long day in the saddle.
I know you can rattle of 200kms fairly easily. Good.... Now start doing that distance over routes that involve rolling hills and small climbs. Get your milage base happening first. In the next few weeks as the traditional climbs become more accessible continue doing long rides and mix in some of the bigger climbs.
Dandenongs/Kinglake/Macedon are all good. By late October/early November, if you are comfortable with a long base start your speciality training which pretty much would involve long rides on some big climbs.(I note that you will be up in Bright for a week-- perfect!) Go climb Tawonga gap and Falls, Buffalo,Hotham, Rosewhite gap etc it really is a smorgasboard of good climbs up there.
Doing a one off climb is OK but the real trick is the combination of climbing
and distance. For example a climb of Donna Buang is good but add in 100km warm up to Reefton before hand. Climb on tired legs to get a feel for the afternoon of the AAC.
Your base will pay dividends to help cope with the heat as well. The afternoon climbs (Tawonga and Buffalo) all have exposed rock and not that many trees and it gets really really hot. I still remember the heat shimmering off the road on the return Tawonga climb. **shudders**
Another hurdle that riders face is tired lower back muscles. You will employ muscles that don't get used that much unless you are doing a lot of climbing.
Core muscle exercises would be good for this reason but once again good long hilly training rides are the key.
By the end of December early Jan start taking it a bit easier with shorter rides just to keep your climbing legs topped up.
Sorry that was more like $50 rather than my 2cents.
I've ridden with you and know that you ride well. Do the training and you'll be fine.