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Ku-ring-gai National Park - West Head

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:48 pm
by Cycling Wombat
Couldn't see a thread for this popular cycle route...

Having only driven it, it seems incredibly dangerous having a speed limit of 80kph with very little room either side of the road and morons in BMWs as was the case on Sunday tailgating other cars and going well over the speed limit. There seemed to be hundreds of cyclists there on Sunday morning.

Given it's a NP they should lower the limit to 40-50kph.

Anyone cycled it? If so, what are your thoughts?

Re: Ku-ring-gai National Park - West Head

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:33 am
by AndrewCowley
It’s very safe. Almost everyone who drives through there knows it full of cyclists on weekend mornings. I can’t remember ever having a problem with cars in there. West Head Road has virtually no corners so visibility for cars seeing cyclists ahead is very good.

It’s a great road to ride on. The entire National Park is great. West Head, Akuna Bay, Cottage Point, Church Point and also all around Duffy’s Forrest.

My guess is there are more bicycle accidents due to cyclists crashing on the descents in this area (especially in the wet) than there are those due to accidents with cars.

Re: Ku-ring-gai National Park - West Head

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:46 am
by g-boaf
There are always exceptions: ... hp?t=98163

You never know when someone is going to do something dangerous so just be careful.

Some folks I know had some bad behaviour from cars over the holidays around Bobbin Head (which is further away). They aren't on this forum (or any cycling forums) so nothing wasn't posted anywhere.