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Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 11:42 am
by brumby33
Hi all, I was just down in Melbourne for a few days this past week and was staying in a Motor Inn in Thornbury on the way to Preston on the Tram 11 line.
My wife and I relied heavily on the tram and Bus network to get around and we were not disappointed, I just left my car at the Motel and it never moved in 3 days till i drove back home to Albury last night.
At the tram stop 32 where we got on and off, there's a decent bike lane that heads pretty much North/South to the City or Preston areas and the amount of cyclists commuting to work and school amazed me and kind of made me wanting to move down there (to a point)

I particularly took notice of the bikes they were using and those using them, the younger men mostly on fast and light road bikes, both flat and drop bar, some on MTB but mostly road bikes and hybrids but it was the amount of E-Cargo bikes that were buzzing along with up to 2 kiddies on the back having a ball while either Mum or Dad was the power source, some of the rear railing cargo bikes also were fitted with Baby seats.

Young women mostly riding both E-bikes and non-E-bikes with the traditional ladies step through design and also some dutch style commuter bikes. All were dressed in their jackets, scarves, leggin's or slacks with some kind of light beanie or helmet winter head covering under helmet....i was thinking I was in Europe.
The next types were the young Dads and their kids in a bicycle bus arrangement and the kids were riding to school on their BMX or small MTB bikes, don't see that at all in Sydney but I do see kids riding to school a lot in Albury as the roads are quite wide, there's a lot of schools in the area and the 40kph limit in school zones and 50 kph outside.

But everywhere I looked in the Melbourne CBD, there were tonnes of bicycle riders of all types getting around, up through Brunswick and Fitzroy. Everywhere. Melbourne seems to be really increasing it's Riding infrastructure as is Sydney but Melbourne is way out in front with suburban bikeways going for many kms out of town and connecting suburbs. If I ever moved to Melbourne there's no way I'd have a car down there, I'd probably be taken out by a Tram :lol:

So for those who ride in the Melbourne CBD and suburbs, you're really quite lucky and it's good to see Australian Cities moving ahead with active Transport. Especially when the mornings are rather cold down there, the uptake of bicycle commuting is truly uplifting. I wasn't really counting the food deliver riders as they are not really commuters but working riders but there were no shortage of them just like in Sydney.

I realise there's probably downsides in areas like everywhere else but Melbourne is really buzzing with life right now. On Thursday and Friday night my wife and I were walking around the City and i couldn't believe the amount of young people enjoying city life with their friends, there were thousands of people around the city irrespective of what street you were in.

So yeah, Melbourne never ceases to amaze me in regards to it's vibrancy.....and people using active transport.

These are my observations only as an outsider to this awesome City. I also found in general, Melbournians are so much more friendly and helpful than those in Sydney as that's where i've spent almost 40 years of my life, Melbourne people don't hesitate to help out if they see someone not too sure where they are.....and yes, i realise it's hard to make an overall assessment in just 3 days but what we had experienced was mostly positive.
I could expect to be down there again in a Month or so for a week as my wife needs to go and have a small operation at the Royal Melbourne.



Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 5:44 pm
by CmdrBiggles
Ah Hipstercille getting another rav review.
Good on you! :D

If you trundled down Brunswick Street, that is my commuting route from Southern Cross) bottom end of Bourke Street) in the sunnier, warmer months. Gertrude and Smith Streets are favoured over the gentrified air of Brunswick Street.

Many cyclists are commuting from quite long distances and prefer fixed speed "Fitzy-Fixies" for agility and speed over comfort. Many are doctors en route St Vincent's Hospital, academics riding to ACU and Melbourne unis, nurses... even an anaesthetist who leaves their Meserati at home in Ivanhoe to commute!

My niece no. 2 works at RMH. Lives in Exhibition Street. She sold her gigantic, pricey VW Tiguan and now gets around the CBD by tram and train. Easy! She does, however, need a car for visiting other hospitals, I think it is a KONA she will take delivery of soon. I bypass the city completely driving from Geelong to Fairfield each day (company car, with a handy dash cam... :idea: ).

There might be bikes galore, but it is not necessarily bike nirvana. Living in Melbourne CBD. It is crowded. Very crowded. And noisy on Friday and weekends. People party late, shop late and drop late! And finding permanent accommodation if you are city-centric is a major challenge. Case in point: niece bought a small, cramped two BR 9th floor apartment... for $944k (!) She does not cycle or scoot.

The northern suburbs like Brunswick, Thornbury, Northcote, Fairfield, Heidelberg are cyclist friendly (try the leafy Merri Creek path, or a picnic in the airy bluestone Northcote Amphitheatre ) and have a high proportion of artists, authors, performers, health workers and alternative thinkers. Fitzroy is waaaaay pricey to break into.

Sunset Boulevard is showing very soon. With a trip down to see that (around the corner from the top of Bourke Street, not far across the road from the 'House of Horrors' (aka Parly House!)

Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 10:08 pm
by brumby33
Yeah I'd read that Brunswick are Hipsterville along with man Buns and the like.....

Wow Biggles, that was quite an Indepth description of that area of Melbourne and I did notice how noisy the City gets but when you compare that to Sydney, it's so much more lively. I think in Sydney, because it's so spread out, there's many alternative CBDs in amongst the greater area of Sydney and it's shaped totally different.
Melbourne's population seem to be more condensed.
Yeah the tiny CBD apartments are really expensive and basically only a place to sleep because the kitchens are very minute lol. Even more expensive in Sydney.....

I read though that Melbourne's Cycleways are going to be more plentyful and the Greens are really pushing it...probably the only great thing they've ever done lol. And Clover is still pushing for a more bicycle Sydney. I actually feel a lot safer in Sydney's CBD than I do out in the burbs.....

Like Sydney, the choices to eat out is like being in an Asian City, you can have a choice providing it's Korean, Japanese or Vietnamese food lol. I couldn't believe the amount of people lining up outside of certain restaurants, especially in Chinatown....One had at least 60 people waiting outside waiting to get in lol.

Cargo bikes seem to be more popular in Melbourne than Sydney and the kids riding to schools are great to see with school bicycle buses with kids riding to school along with the parents.



Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 10:39 pm
by DavidS
Until recently I cycled in to work from the South. I chose to ride along the beach but a lot of people use Brighton Rd/StKilda Rd. Melbourne is a good place to ride, fairly flat, and the advent of E-Bikes has increased cycling. Plus, the traffic sucks.

There are some good bike lanes too, some, like Beach Rd between Port Melbourne and Elwood have a wide lane so you can be in the bike lane and still be clear of the dooring zone. Of course, there are also bike lanes which are way too narrow, but I claim the lane in those situations.

If you live somewhere close to town, riding and using public transport is a very good option. I wouldn't dream of driving to the city and never drove to work when working near the city (I was working at Melbourne Uni, initially Parkville but later Southbank). Whenever I have to go to the city I use the train or tram and it always amazes me that people drive to the MCG for the footy. I have been going to the footy since the 1970s and I have driven once, and that was because it was an AFLW game in Frankston.

I now go for a nice ride along Beach Rd twice a week for exercise and anyway I like riding. It is a good ride and the fact that there are generally quite a few cyclists on Beach Rd means most people are aware of bicycles which makes it a lot safer.

I do have to say I don't like the bike path in the middle of the road on St Georges Rd, I can't see how that works at intersections, I figure the turning cars would not look. I used to drive trams along Brunswick St and St Georges Rd many years ago and I wouldn't have put a bike lane in between the up and down tram lines. There is a similar lane on North Rd between Huntingdale and Monash Uni which also looks unsafe to me.


Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 8:00 am
by brumby33
Yeah David, I was staying at the St George Motor Inn at Thornbury and it was quite convenient as many of the motel accommodations charged per day for parking the car but once we had our car parked at the motor inn, it stayed there till we left.....and it was right next to one of the tram 11 stops and the 510 bus stop as well.
I was observing the way bikes crossed those busy intersections and I couldn't see how they could have designed it better really as it's a very busy intersection, having the tram and bike path in the middle was a good divider for the traffic but i did see a few cars when they turned right or left into Normanby Ave, into that little pocket between the two roads, cars tended to stop at the lights even though they were green....causing others to honk them as they didn't get much time.
But the Cyclists on the other hand (well most of them anyway) just waited for the lights to continue along the path. The kids seemed very skilled at the lights but usually had one of their parents riding behind.

I did have a fleeting thought about applying for a job driving the Melbourne trams, they are recruiting now actually but when i seen and heard the frustrations of the tram drivers with cars angled across the lines at City intersections, i thought "bugger that"!! :lol: :lol:

Melbourne seems to have adopted the E-cargo bike which is good, I seen many of these bikes carrying kids and even groceries.......I think we'll see a lot more of these types of bikes in the future in Australian Cities, they just make a lot of sense.

But as good as the Bike infrastructure is in the big Cities of Australia, the car dominates too much whereas public transport and active transport must tip the scales more into their direction and Melbournites seem to have the dress code down pat for the sketchy weather at times but of course one cannot assume too much of a years living in just 3 days but i have been down there a few times before and bicycling seems to be getting better.



Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 6:47 pm
by DavidS
Tram driving isn't for everyone, you have to be not very liable to getting stressed. The things people do in front of trams is astounding - they weigh 40 tonnes and have no steering. One irritant is the car waiting for a tram to pass which is literally an inch or two over the line and they don't understand why the tram driver gets irate, doesn't take much to block a tram. The temptation to slide along their panels and put a nice little dint along their car can be hard to resist!


Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 7:45 pm
by brumby33
DavidS wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 6:47 pm
Tram driving isn't for everyone, you have to be not very liable to getting stressed. The things people do in front of trams is astounding - they weigh 40 tonnes and have no steering. One irritant is the car waiting for a tram to pass which is literally an inch or two over the line and they don't understand why the tram driver gets irate, doesn't take much to block a tram. The temptation to slide along their panels and put a nice little dint along their car can be hard to resist!

:lol: :lol: I understand that too well David .....I was after-all a Bus driver in the guts of Sydney for the best part of 35 years, for so long I promised myself that I wanted to write off a taxi after so many years of them cutting in front of us at an angle and slamming on the brakes if someone on the footpath scratched his nose......and Ubers who thought they are fact many of them are....they used to do a taxi shift for 12 hours then do a stint of Uber straight after......

But yeah...nah....I think I'll give that idea a huge miss, i'm near retirement, in fact I can retire now if I want and I might, i'm having 3 Months off the buses atm and i'm not really sure i want to go back......almost a Month already and I don't miss it at all :D

I truly need to lose 10 kilos and I want to use my bike to do that, i'm even thinking of buying something a bit more quicker than the Vivente (like a gravel bike perhaps) I'm still very keen to do some bicycle camping, even if I can't do the big kms anymore.

Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 1:19 pm
by caneye
I stayed in Thornbury this time last year.
Found a wonderful trail along the Merri creek. Head west on Hutton St, pass the busy St George Road until you hit the reserve. There's a wonderful cycleway that heads north.

I'm amazed at how inter-connected the Melbourne cycleways are. THey don't end abruptly like the Sydney ones.

You should also check out the Mullum Mullum creek trail. that's gotta be one of my favourites.

Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 6:31 pm
by brumby33
caneye wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 1:19 pm
I stayed in Thornbury this time last year.
Found a wonderful trail along the Merri creek. Head west on Hutton St, pass the busy St George Road until you hit the reserve. There's a wonderful cycleway that heads north.

I'm amazed at how inter-connected the Melbourne cycleways are. THey don't end abruptly like the Sydney ones.

You should also check out the Mullum Mullum creek trail. that's gotta be one of my favourites.
Yeah I wouldn't mind taking my bike down there and stay at the St Georges Motor Inn like i did over the last weekend and discover some of the bicycle paths down there.
It's not that i have any great knowledge of Melbourne and would probably not ride into the CBD much although if I could get to the Flinders street Stn without getting myself run over by a tram or car, I'd like to do that bike trail that goes alongside the Yarra as well as the one going down past the Eastern Beaches.

There's one that goes through or on the outskirts of Moonee Ponds I believe is quite good too, I've followed some riders who have posted their rides on YT, whereas Sydney's premier trails are currently out West of Parramatta, although I've seen that the Parramatta to Sydney path is either finished or not quite?

Melbourne is so much more cycle centric than Sydney has ever been and as such has actually got 3 bicycle Touring clubs down there but there's no such club of it's type in Sydney, there's one on the Central Coast and there's a kind of a touring club in Newcastle and I know a few bicycle tourists up there.
Theres a lot of sport cycling clubs in Sydney but apart from some BUGs , there's no touring in bags and panniers and everything now if FB group centric.

Another great advantage in Melbourne is that you can put your loaded bike on the train and go anywhere the train will take you and start a tour from there, in NSW, the ancient train system here won't allow loaded bikes, you''ve got to box up your bike like you're going overseas (totally stupid) or have a car suitable to take the bike somewhere to start a ride which to me, kind of defeats the purpose of travelling by bike.

I am lucky at the moment where I live in Albury on the NSW/Vic Border and could take my bike down there towards Melbourne but i'm not really working now but it's getting a bit cold.....I find it hard to get motivated in the cold lol.....yeah I know, I'm a wuss :lol: :lol:


Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:18 pm
by DavidS
brumby33 wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 7:45 pm
DavidS wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 6:47 pm
Tram driving isn't for everyone, you have to be not very liable to getting stressed. The things people do in front of trams is astounding - they weigh 40 tonnes and have no steering. One irritant is the car waiting for a tram to pass which is literally an inch or two over the line and they don't understand why the tram driver gets irate, doesn't take much to block a tram. The temptation to slide along their panels and put a nice little dint along their car can be hard to resist!

:lol: :lol: I understand that too well David .....I was after-all a Bus driver in the guts of Sydney for the best part of 35 years, for so long I promised myself that I wanted to write off a taxi after so many years of them cutting in front of us at an angle and slamming on the brakes if someone on the footpath scratched his nose......and Ubers who thought they are fact many of them are....they used to do a taxi shift for 12 hours then do a stint of Uber straight after......

But yeah...nah....I think I'll give that idea a huge miss, i'm near retirement, in fact I can retire now if I want and I might, i'm having 3 Months off the buses atm and i'm not really sure i want to go back......almost a Month already and I don't miss it at all :D

I truly need to lose 10 kilos and I want to use my bike to do that, i'm even thinking of buying something a bit more quicker than the Vivente (like a gravel bike perhaps) I'm still very keen to do some bicycle camping, even if I can't do the big kms anymore.
Haha, in 4 years of tram driving back in the early 90s I had a very good record, only 1 accident. Guess what? I wrote off a taxi :D He left in a tow truck (the great fear is that you will injure someone but he was not hurt), I lost a coat of paint. That taxi was never going anywhere again, a real mess.

I got a redundancy and did retire. It is hard getting the motivation to ride sometimes but I try and get out for 50KMs twice a week in addition to 1 day riding to do volunteer work. I don't miss work at all.

I had to think for a minute about what the "Eastern Beaches" are in Melbourne. Not a term I have ever heard! I figure you mean Beach Rd which runs from Port Melbourne as far as you want to go really, lots of bike path and a road which is good for cycling. This is where I ride a couple of times a week and it is very good. Lots of cyclists ride Beach Rd so the drivers are more aware of cyclists although there are still a few idiots.


Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 12:08 am
by brumby33
DavidS wrote:
Wed May 29, 2024 11:18 pm
brumby33 wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 7:45 pm
DavidS wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 6:47 pm
Tram driving isn't for everyone, you have to be not very liable to getting stressed. The things people do in front of trams is astounding - they weigh 40 tonnes and have no steering. One irritant is the car waiting for a tram to pass which is literally an inch or two over the line and they don't understand why the tram driver gets irate, doesn't take much to block a tram. The temptation to slide along their panels and put a nice little dint along their car can be hard to resist!

:lol: :lol: I understand that too well David .....I was after-all a Bus driver in the guts of Sydney for the best part of 35 years, for so long I promised myself that I wanted to write off a taxi after so many years of them cutting in front of us at an angle and slamming on the brakes if someone on the footpath scratched his nose......and Ubers who thought they are fact many of them are....they used to do a taxi shift for 12 hours then do a stint of Uber straight after......

But yeah...nah....I think I'll give that idea a huge miss, i'm near retirement, in fact I can retire now if I want and I might, i'm having 3 Months off the buses atm and i'm not really sure i want to go back......almost a Month already and I don't miss it at all :D

I truly need to lose 10 kilos and I want to use my bike to do that, i'm even thinking of buying something a bit more quicker than the Vivente (like a gravel bike perhaps) I'm still very keen to do some bicycle camping, even if I can't do the big kms anymore.
Haha, in 4 years of tram driving back in the early 90s I had a very good record, only 1 accident. Guess what? I wrote off a taxi :D He left in a tow truck (the great fear is that you will injure someone but he was not hurt), I lost a coat of paint. That taxi was never going anywhere again, a real mess.

I got a redundancy and did retire. It is hard getting the motivation to ride sometimes but I try and get out for 50KMs twice a week in addition to 1 day riding to do volunteer work. I don't miss work at all.

I had to think for a minute about what the "Eastern Beaches" are in Melbourne. Not a term I have ever heard! I figure you mean Beach Rd which runs from Port Melbourne as far as you want to go really, lots of bike path and a road which is good for cycling. This is where I ride a couple of times a week and it is very good. Lots of cyclists ride Beach Rd so the drivers are more aware of cyclists although there are still a few idiots.

Yeah that's the one, I think it goes down from St Kilda down a long way, is there a path going down on the west side through say, Werribee for instance? I'd say in the Winter Months it'd blowing a gale down on the bay.

I've never been lucky enough to get a redundancy, I've know some guys to do rather well out of them, a stray 100K would have been good 30 years ago, I know one bloke that got 3 redundancies from the same job, after 6 Months, he'd just rejoin.....

After having done 0ver 30 plus yrs on buses in Sydney and Newcastle, I got caught up in the privatisation there, many in Management positions got their redundancies then were rewarded with the same if not higher positions by the Private companies that took over from the Government. I did get a transport Gold card which means I can travel from past Wollongong all the way up to Maitland and Katoomba on the electric rail network for nothing and so can my i guess that's something and we really make use of it when we go up there.
I do drive buses for a Company a bit for the past 15 Months but some health issues are now telling me to retire.

Glad you done the job on the's a medal of honour :lol: Hitting one of those Trams down in Melbourne would be like hitting a ship.



Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 6:48 am
by Cyclophiliac
There is a shared path going down the west side of the Bay to Werribee (and further), I rode it a few times even though I've never lived in the area.

As for Sydney being less lively than Melbourne, I can believe it. I lived in Sydney for 13 years, and I've lived in Melbourne for over 15 years, and I agree that Sydney is too spread out: getting anywhere is a major hassle.

Re: Melbourne life and bicycle commuting

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 10:04 pm
by DavidS
Yeah Brumby, I never thought I would get a redundancy and was planning to retire in a few years. Figured I would take it given they were messing me about yet again.

Driving buses would be quite stressful, I presume the idiots do idiotic things in front of buses as much as trams. I remember talking to one tram driver who used to drive trucks and he said trams were much worse - people paid you less respect and you were stuck on tracks.

Glad someone else answered about the other side of the bay. The only time I have ridden around there is on the annual Around the Bay ride and that goes down roads. Part of the issue would be finding a decent way between Port Melbourne and Footscray/Williamstown, basically getting past the city.

Melbourne is flatter than Sydney which also helps.