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Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:51 pm
by twowheels
I want to gauge opinion before I put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard to local MLA &/or Minister for Transport.
I understand the logic of not wanting bikes on the current format of train carriages during peak hours inbound to Perth & at Perth Stations.
I see that outbound from Perth there are stations within a reasonable riding distance on the Midland line (McIver 0.9km), Fremantle line (City West 1.6km) & Joondalup line (Leederville 3.2km).
However on the Mandurah line the nearest station is Canning Bridge (7.3km).
I had intended riding approx 6km to Perth, Elizabeth Quay station, board an outbound train at about 7.30am, get off the train at Murdoch station, then ride approx 2km to Murdoch Uni.
Checking today I know this is currently not possible. So I am curious, how crowded are outbound from Perth trains on the Mandurah line between 7.00am & 9.00am Monday to Friday? I would like to make the case that bikes should be allowed to enter Elizabeth Quay station at peak times if outbound in the morning and inbound in the afternoon/evening. ... d/bicycles

Re: Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:53 pm
by Thoglette
Betty's Jetty is a swim-through on most mornings. Simply getting into the platform will be fun. It's possibly the most under-designed station on the network.

The real issue is the missing South Perth station.
Actually, the real, real issue is the missing PTA bike hire scheme. (See also OV-Fiets)

Re: Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:54 pm
by nickobec
I am with Thoglette, Betty's Jetty station is badly designed for the volume of people that pass through it at peak time, particularly the entrance/exit. It will be struggle to get to the platform most mornings. So I do not expect PTA to want to let bikes through during peak times.

While South Perth station would be a solution to your problem, I would not expect it to happen soon, if ever.

So that leaves you with two options:

1 Buy a folding bike (or unicycle), ride to the city, fold the bike up (you may need to check with PTA re dimensions and if it still needs to be bagged) (unicycles are allowed on trains, unbagged). Get off at Murdoch and ride to Uni.

2 Ride the full 23km from home to uni. Once the diversions are over in August, the ride along the PSP from the city to Murdoch and beyond is pleasant and easy (OK I get off the PSP at Mt Henry most morning and go via Mt Pleasant to Canning Bridge, to avoid walkers because I ride at a brisk pace). The reason I suggest the full 23km instead of 13km to Canning Bridge, train 8km to Murdoch and 2km from there. Is simply by the time you leave the PSP, get to Canning Bridge station, tag on, get to the platform, wait for the train, get on the train for 8km, get off the train and out of the station, most days you would of ridden 8km or more in that time.

Re: Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:21 am
by ColinOldnCranky
Before heading to your local member, first have a word with the Public Transport Authority (PTA) It is they, not Transperth, that makes the policy and, in my past experience, they are approachable and will listen to reason.

Don't get me wrong, I suspect that they will not change anything, as there are valid reasons why the policy is as it is. But at least you will be better informed before you approach a politician.

BTW I suspect that the PTA will not roll over to a politician unless the argument put by him on hour behalf is convincing. And if you have a convincing argument, going to the PTA in the first instance probably gives you your best chance anyway.

Re: Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:08 pm
by twowheels
Thanks for your inputs so far. I am observing and considering. I am an irregular public transport user (time, geography issues), but use it when I can & try to find ways to make it happen. When I do use it I am surprised by inefficiencies.
For example, I rode the Freo line to Perth on Friday. A bloke in the same carriage had his bike. His uniform gave away he works on the wharfs. His bike had a flat tyre so I had a brief conversation with him. Turns out he was travelling on to Maylands. If he had overtime and finished after 4.30pm he would not have been able to take his bike through Perth.
I wonder how many "in power" use the facilities other than for photo ops.

Re: Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:34 pm
by ColinOldnCranky
twowheels wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:51 pm
I would like to make the case that bikes should be allowed to enter Elizabeth Quay station at peak times if outbound in the morning and inbound in the afternoon/evening. ... d/bicycles
Did anything ever eventuate?

Just curious.

Re: Outbound trains from Perth 7.00am to 9.00am

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:52 am
by twowheels
2025, state election, announcement that allowing bikes on peak period trains to/from city is being considered.