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Buying a touring bike in Italy

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:09 pm
by timpostor
Hi all,

My partner and I are heading to Italy in June and are planning to cycle five days of the Via Claudia Augusta into Austria, with a possible end run to the Swiss border. We're on an extremely tight budget so I'm trying to figure out how and where is best to pick up a couple of secondhand tour bikes - we'll be in Naples, Rome, and Verona prior to the ride.

I've seen decent tour bikes bought secondhand for AUD$200 in Berlin (and gleefully flown back to Oz), does anyone have any leads on an Italian equivalent?

We have about $400 between us for bikes plus a little extra for spare tubes, etc. Bringing panniers, basic tools and gear from home.

Many thanks,

Re: Buying a touring bike in Italy

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:48 pm
by rowdyflat
Good lucK you could be asking a bit much due to time scale , language ,chaotic traffic etc
IMHO Italians have small shops and arent that much into 2nd hand or touring bikes.
Now if you want skintight clothes or racing bikes ....