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Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:24 pm
by warthog1
There is no obligation to ride in it even if it was a bike lane. Some tosser has made it impracticable to do so

Blame tapatalk

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:13 pm
by Velo_bandit
zill wrote:
jules21 wrote:e.

there is no bike lane btw, not officially.
What is the official meaning for that white line (that is meant to separate the cyclists and the cars) then ?

So ride on the right of that line but why in an earlier post you mentioned left that of line?

If riding on the right of that line, wouldn't it be dangerous as the cars use that space as well?
1) The meaning of that line is to separate traffic from parking, that's why there are so many cars parked there.

2) Ride to the left side of the lane where the cars drive, like you would on any road, there is no bike lane on the boulevard except for that little two way 'Copenhagen' lane that's on the hill before the bridge over the highway.

3) It is possibly dangerous, however this is only if a driver to chooses to engage in dangerous behaviour, in which case they could choose to do so wether you are riding in the lane or on the shoulder, a white line is not a magical barrier that protects you from poor driving, trust me on that. The boulevard is probably safer than other roads as it has low traffic, one or two intersections, and it even has a 1.5 metre lane in the middle of the road to allow cars to overtake without going into the oncoming traffic lane. It is more dangerous to ride where you know there are hazards to your bike, if you are cornering on one of the boulevard's downhill parts and your tyre suddenly loses all of it's air pressure from a tack, you will go down, hard, and possibly be run over if you happen to fall into the traffic lane, at this stage it's marginally safer to ride where cars are also driving.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:57 pm
by SuperSix
Anyone seen any tacks lately? I rode the Boullie on Sunday and saw 2 or 3 people fixing flats but have no idea if it was tack related. I didn't have an issue but stayed off the shoulder.

Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:41 pm
by cyclotaur
I rode it N-S today with no problem but I stay in the lane. Didn't see any tacks or other riders with any problems and there were a few out on such a great day.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:25 pm
by Jaow
I've had tack induced punctures on Friday and Monday (1 and 4 Aug). Judging by the rust on tacks in both incidents, possible they were strays that have been out for ages rather than from a new dump. Fridays was heading S-N and picked up in the bike lane on the climb before the roundabout at Wiltshire Drive. Mondays was picked up somewhere just after Yarra St, heading N-S. Nearly lost it hulk-style on Friday given it was dark, raining and about six degrees.

Thanks to the guys who have been cleaning up the major dumps of tacks over the last few months - seriously appreciated.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:20 pm
by Uncle Just
Got one today probably near the Chandler Hwy end. Took a while to work its way in as I was near Bedford road on the trail before the tube went down.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:23 am
by bokehbikes
Has this died down a bit? I work in a bike store near by and haven't heard anything lately but am getting asked about it? Its such a beautiful stretch of road so close to the city the whole episode has been a real shame. I could only speculate the motives but id guess it would be a local resident who has had a few too many run ins over the years with the lycra clad. Hopefully its not just the temperature keeping them from heading out at night too lay more down.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:14 am
by Timmeh_86
Picked up one last Friday (8/8) on the way out of the city near the entrance to the park (Molesworth St) - thanks to all who stopped to check up on me!

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:18 am
by jules21
i've been riding it almost daily for months. i have had one puncture. i stay to the right!

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:45 am
by jules21
Oxford wrote:What I find amusing about that comment (not your puncture BTW) is the intent of the tacks was probably to put off cyclists riding in the area. But the unintended consequence is that riders now potentially ride far more right to avoid the potential for tacks creating punctures (which are naturally brushed to the side of the road by motorised traffic) and thus are now being more of a "hindrance" to the motorists who were targeting cyclists in the first place. The fool(s) never really thought it through to hard did they?
more than that, there have been dogs whose paws have been tacked, runners whose expensive air-cushioned running shoes have been punctured, motorcyclists' tyres punctured, even car tyres punctured..

Then there's this.. (although probably unrelated)

it took me 5 mins and $0 to fix my puncture.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:45 am
by m@
jules21 wrote:i've been riding it almost daily for months. i have had one puncture. i stay to the right!
This! I'm more a weekly visitor, but despite a run of punctures lately, not one of them has been on the boullie or due to tacks.

The... person... responsible will either give up, or slip up and get caught eventually. Just a matter of time. Until then, I'll ride there every chance I get, just to stick it to 'em :mrgreen:

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:48 am
by jules21
m@ wrote:The... person... responsible will.. slip up and get caught eventually.
that person would struggle to imagine the vengeance reigned down on them if their identity was ever revealed :)

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:50 am
by Sergeantchili
I picked up one on 12/8/14 and my mate who rides the Boulevard a fair bit picked one up last night 13/8/14. Thanks heaps to the guys who asked if i was ok and the other who stopped to help!

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:05 am
by jules21
yep, got stung yesterday (Wed) morning - i should have kept my mouth shut (above!) it's busy with traffic in the morning - hard to ride in car lane :cry:

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:50 pm
by Jaow
Another for me yesterday morning (Fri 15 Aug). Picked it up somewhere while heading South (slow leak so not sure exactly where). The tack had a little rust - perhaps not fresh as a result - hard to tell. Brings the total for me to four over the past two weeks - after a period of around a month beforehand without any (I ride the Boulie in whole both commuting 4-5 times per week and usually during a ride on the weekends). Suggests to me that there have been some dumped in the last little while. Thinking it's time for one of those mini track pumps (I commute with a backpack) to speed up the process each time.

A mate picked one up near the Chandler on Weds morning (13 Aug) - happened quickly on the front and caused him to go down - fortunately just some bark off and no bike damage.

(and to the lowlife coward doing this - no way I'm going to stop riding on the Boulevard - you will never succeed and there is no doubt you'll be caught eventually)

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:01 pm
by jules21
Oxford wrote:Depends who he is caught by, are there nice secretive locations around there where a body is hard to find? Just kidding of course.
yes there are plenty! in fact i saw a guy living in a tent last week on one of the steep embankments leading down to the river. very well concealed areas :twisted:

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:06 am
by simonsausage
Just got word the tacks are back.
Avoid like the plague for a few days.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:22 am
by jules21
simonsausage wrote:Just got word the tacks are back.
Avoid like the plague for a few days.
just ride to the right of the white line. tacks be gone! problem solved.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:53 pm
by il padrone
Oxford wrote:Depends who he is caught by, are there nice secretive locations around there where a body is hard to find? Just kidding of course.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:48 pm
by dalai47
jules21 wrote:
simonsausage wrote:Just got word the tacks are back.
Avoid like the plague for a few days.
just ride to the right of the white line. tacks be gone! problem solved.
I was volunteering at the turn around at the roundabout by the freeway for the BBN ITT today. Saw over 20 repairs underway on the drive to and from Walmer st whilst also setting up signs on the way... :evil:

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:05 pm
by jules21
dalai47 wrote:I was volunteering at the turn around at the roundabout by the freeway for the BBN ITT today. Saw over 20 repairs underway on the drive to and from Walmer st whilst also setting up signs on the way... :evil:
they all ride in the bike lane! i was telling anyone who'd listen to stay out of it.

anyway, did you like my u-turns? i thought i nailed them today :)

was that you yelling encouragement?

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:11 pm
by dalai47
jules21 wrote:was that you yelling encouragement?
Guilty as charged. Since I am only just back on the bike and nowhere near ready to race yet I thought I might as well come and help out... Was a lovely morning to stand in the sun and yell at people! :wink:

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:04 am
by dalai47
Driving? Practiced my punishment passes for the riders taking the middle of the road when I had to drive back down the road to pick up some signs left behind...

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 6:08 pm
by Patches
Got done today so it's clearly still going on.

Re: Yarra Boulevard - tacks - 6.3.14

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:52 pm
by Gunlock
Will be on the Boulevard tonight. Hopefully won't be walking home.