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Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:29 pm
by mikesbytes
Wednesday 4th March 2010
Bike Commute 33k
Track Training - Motorpace and Team Sprint practice - 20k

My legs were so sore it wasn't funny. In the last team sprint they were burning

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:20 pm
by mikesbytes
Thursday 4th March 2010
Bike Commute 19k
Track Racing Thursday night RBCC at Tempe 10k - see tour de mike

In yoga this morning I was so sore, I was like an ironing board, but I improved a bit during the day, still I was a bit off at the racing but not like I would of been if I'd raced in the morning.

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:43 pm
by mikesbytes
Friday 5th March 2010
Bike Commute 31k. The last of which was thru the pooring rain later in the night
Barbell Military Press 40kg*10, 45kg*8, 50kg*4
Upright Barbell Deltoid Rows 40kg*10, 42.5kg*7

No energy in my legs, I knew that Sat had to be a rest day

Last yacht race of the season, we have been racing on a 10mtr job on Friday nights. Ian steered us to a handicap victory !!!!

Saturday 6th March 2010
Bike Commute 11k
Yoga 90minutes advanced

Yoga killed me, so much for a rest day

Sunday 7th March 2010
Bike Training 82k

Getting there
Took off got about 500mtrs when I realised I didn't have my helmet on, chucked a u-ie got the helmet and took off, by this time I missed the fast group, had laid chaise catching them in a couple of k's thanks to the traffic light gods. Showing off I blasted pass on my fixie and the laid chase catching me pretty quick.

Toro Toro Toro
General Homes we were doing a tail wind assisted 45kph when we caught RBCC, we decided to go past but had to make it stick so upped it to 50kph, that's 140rpm which we largely held all the way to the kingsway except for going up captain cook bridge where we climbed at 37kph

The end is near
Hit VO2 max, knew my time in the bunch was limited, but somehow managed to hang on. Coming out of Sutherland got the vomit in the throat, I'd hit lactic acid threashold, that's strike 2, but somehow managed to hold it together

Impluse drive
Knew I was about to blew so I decided to take a turn on the front and go out with style. Held the front thru to Endegene and blew up with style. On the way up to Waterfall, got retaken by RBCC on one of the 2 SCC bunches we took, rode past a number of individuals including a triathlete.

Triathlete Alert
After turning around at Waterfall, blow me on the fastest section that triathlete retook me, there was nothing I could do about it, without gears. Then another triathlete on a very expensive time trail bike came past, I got his wheel and trundled in towards Endegene where I found some pace and went past both of the Triathletes and picked up a RBCC rider. We immediately worked together, like a secret code between racing riders, we knew what was required, without speaking to each other and blew them off. Even on a fixie honour is always at stake. For a fleeting moment I'd thought I could race the RBCC guy to the Sutherland sprint point but once we went over the crest near audley turnoff, he was off, I was no match on 77inch :)

Ride home
Back with the fasties for the ride home, the middies joined us, but all of them except for Amy and one guy blew pretty quick. I was saved by the headwind which slowed the pace to a manageable cadence. Christian averaged 35.65kph to Bestwick st, so I'm guessing around 33kph ave on the Fixie, only a guess.

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:20 pm
by mikesbytes
Monday 8th March 2010
Bike commute 50k
RPM express
Barbell Bench Press 70kg*10, 80kg*4
Dumbbell Inclined Bench Press 25kg*10
Barbell Full Front Squats 40kg*10, 50kg*10, 55kg*5, 60kg*5, 65kg*2
Barbell Bent Over Rows 65kg*10, 70kg*9

I'm tried

Focus on the Front Squats is on technique, I don't seem to be putting my elbows high enough and therefor are tending to hold the bar with my arms rather than the top of my chest and I'm still leaning too far forward, but much improved. Previously with front squats, I've only been able to do parallel ones at 60kg, but with the improvement in technique, I can now do full ones at 60kg

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:15 pm
by mikesbytes
Tuesday 9th March 2010
Bike Commute 6k

Wednesday 10th March 2010
Bike Commute 54k

Did the 54k on the beast, I think its been a while since its done that sort of K's

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:30 pm
by mikesbytes
Thursday 11th May 2010
Bike Commute 55k

Would of been even more bike commute if Toff hadn't give me a lift part way

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:55 pm
by mikesbytes
Friday 12th March 2010
Bike Commute 40k

Flat tyre on the way home

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:14 pm
by mikesbytes
Saturday 13th March 2010
Bike Commute 11k
Yoga - advanced 90min

Sunday 14th March 2010
NSW Master Team Sprint see tour de mike
About 5k warmup, race was 750mtrs or 500mts for me as I was second rider

Monday 15th March 2010
Bike Commute 70k - sure made up for missing the Sunday training ride
RPM express

Tue 16th March 2010
Bike Commute 42k

Wed 17th March 2010
Bike Commute 42k
Barbell Bench Press 70kg*10, 80kg*2
Barbell Deadlifts 120kg*10, 140kg*4, 150kg*2
Barbell Sumo Deaflifts 120kg*6
Barbell Full Front Squats 50kg*5
Barbell Military Press 40kg*10
Barbell Upright Lateral Pullups 40kg*10
Chinups Bodyweight 6, 6, 5
Dips Bodyweight + 5kg 10, 10
Small amount of RPM practice in preparation for my classes on Friday and Monday

I really sucked at weights today. However it was interesting to do them at St Leonards FF as I haven't been there in a long time and I was pleased to see the progress on my grip strength on those slippery bars.

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:15 pm
by mikesbytes
Thursday 18th March 2010
Bike Commute 42k

Rest day

Friday 19th March 2010
Bike Commute 70k

Felt shagged after all of that

Saturday 20th March 2010
Bike Commute 12k
Yoga 90 minutes
Dulwich Hill Ominum About 30k - See Tour De Mike (I won a race for once :) )

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:41 pm
by mikesbytes
Sunday 21st March 2010
Bike training ride 82k

After yesterdays Ominum not one of us took our fixies out, I rode my trusty old OCR2, the Focus hasn't been ridden since Australia day. Struggled a bit on a couple of hills, but I won the sprint at the end of the mad mile, after chasing down a break after 4 riders got away while the rest of us lost the chain due to a rider mechanical. Truth be it that Chubs let me win it by not responding when I rolled up beside him.

Monday 22nd March 2010
Bike Commute 57k
RPM Express

Tuesday 23rd March 2010
Bike Commute 40k
Barbell Military Press 40kg*10, 40kg*10
Barbell Bent over Rows 50kg*10, 70kg*8
Barbell Front Full Squats 50kg*8
Barbell Bench Press 60kg*10, 70kg*6
Barbell Close Grip Bench Press 60kg*5

My wrist is still sore from Saturday yoga, so I was a bit mindful not to over do it in weights

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:56 pm
by mikesbytes
Wednesday 24th March 2010
Bike Commute 60k

Thursday 25th March 2010
Bike Commute 40k

Friday 26th March 2010
Bike Commute 40k

Saturday 27th March 2010
Bike Commute 8k

Sunday 28th March 2010
Bike Training ride 162k

Monday 29th March 2010
Bike Commute 65k
RPM Express
2 heart rates on a mag trainer

Tuesday 30th March 2010
Bike Commute 40k

That's 415k and 6 spin sessions in a single week

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:14 pm
by mikesbytes
Wednesday 31st March 2010
Slept in
Bike Commute 42k
Barbell Bench Press 70kg*10, 80kg*2
Barbell Close Grip Bench Press 60kg*7
Barbell Deadlift 120kg*10, 140kg*4
Barbell Sumo Deadlift 120kg*7
Barbell Full Front Squats 50kg*8
Barbell Military Press 50kg*5
Chinups Bodyweight 7, 6
Dips Bodyweight + 5kg 10, 10

Glorious tailwind on the way to work which is common when riding to Chatswood and usually it disappears in the afternoon, but there was a still some in the arvo so slight head wind. Coming off the motorway into North Sydney, my fixie dropped its chain at about 70kph/200rpm, :shock: luckily it didn't catch on anything

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:43 pm
by mikesbytes
Big jump in K's in March

Jan: 810
Feb: 752
Mar: 1,365

TotaL First Quarter: 2,957
Target First Quarter: 3,000

I'm only 33k behind target

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:23 pm
by mikesbytes
Thursday 1st April 2010
Bike Commute 44k

Friday 2nd April 2010
Bike Training Ride 97k

Rode thru RNP on 77.1" fixed. My legs are OK, but my upper body is shot.

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 10:05 pm
by mikesbytes
Crap I haven't filled this in for 8 days, now I'm going to have to remember.

Saturday 3rd April 2010
- Bike training ride 40k
- Bike commute 11k
- Yoga 90 minutes

Sunday 4th April 2010
- nothing

Monday 5th April 2010
- 20k bike ride to/from race
- 33k bike race Beaumont rd - see tour de mike

Tuesday 6th April 2010
- 28k bike commute

Wednesday 7th April 2010
- drove car
- Basic Training, which included lots of stair running
- Yoga

Thursday 8th April 2010
- Bike Commute 28k and got caught in the heavy downfall
- Barbell Bench Press 65kg*10, 75kg*7
- Barbell Full Back Squats 60kg*10, 70kg*6
- Barbell Bent Over Rows 70kg*10, 70kg*10
- Barbell Military Press 40kg*10, 45kg*8

Friday 9th April 2010
- Bike Commute 36k

Saturday 10th April 2010
- Bike Training Ride 40k
- Bike Commute 11k
- Yoga 90 minutes

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:23 pm
by mikesbytes
Sunday 11th April 2010
- Bike training ride, including RNP, Audley in, Waterfall out 97k.
Didn't ride that hard, except for Waterfall hill

Monday 12th April 2010
- Bike Commute 26k
- RPM express

Tuesday 13th April 2010
- Bike Commute 32k
Got a flat on the way to the gym in the morning and then discovered that my pump was missing, including half of the bracket, which had broken off, so I walked to work instead of going to the gym. Then in the afternoon I was asked to cover a class afterwork, so I ended up there anyway

Wednesday 14th April 2010
- Bike Commute 28k
- Basic Training
- Yoga
In Basic Training (BT) I blew off the runners on the stair climbing, LOL a cyclist beats the runners at...running.
In Yoga I got to practice preparation for arm balance. I'm a long way off that, I need a lot more shoulder flexibility

Thursday 15th April
- Bike Commute 18k
- Barbell Bench Press 70kg*10, 75kg*6
- Barbell Full Squats 60kg*10
- Barbell Lunges 80kg*10L,10R
- Barbell Deadlifts 120kg*10
- Chinups Bodyweight 8,6
- Dips Bodyweight + 7.5kg 10,10
- About 10 minutes of practicing advanced yoga poses

A little sore from yesterdays BT, I just didn't get into the weights and then I bump dips up by 2.5kg, the strength was there but not the heart. A forearm injury played up a little during Chinups which made me wary of going to my limits.

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:58 am
by mikesbytes
Friday 16th April 2010
- Bike Commute 35k
- A bit more RPM as we trained a trainee

Saturday 17th April 2010
- Bike Commute 30k
- Spin, which was the launch of RiDE, a new spin offering

Sunday 18th April 2010
- Waterfall training ride 82k
After an aborted start where I tried to clip SPD's into Look Delta's, I changed my shoes and hit the road, did about 25k solo then rode in a small mixed DHBC/SCC bunch which blew off some its riders before catching RBCC at Engidene. Ended up behind a RBCC rider who had a mechanical at Lotus on the mad mile and didn't get a good position for the sprint. On the ride back I was wasted and went backwards on every little hill. An indication that I had trained properly today.

Re: Mikes Exercise Log 2010

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:55 pm
by mikesbytes
Monday 19th April 2010
Bike Commute 26k

My class broke its max numbers by 1, yah!!!!!!

Tuesday 20th April 2010
Bike Commute 35k

Wednesday 21st April 2010
Bike Commute 28k

Bike seat broke at Croydon on the way home, man is it hard to ride a fixie without a bike seat, if it ever happens again, please can it happen on a conventional geared bike. Anyway I swung by the velodrome and Lindsay gave me a seat out of the DHBC shed.