‘Red flags’: Aussie doctor’s chilling junk food warning - news.com.au
I haven't been Dr. Zac's biggest fan in the past, but this one isn't bad. He must be learning...
He has 4 degrees. But none qualify him to write an article as an expert on diet.
I'll start by saying that to my knowledge, no one has proven cause and effect in relation to fast food as a cancer cause. Nor are they likely to if the fast food giants have anything to do with it. However, hypoxia (starvation of oxygen to cells) caused by high fat foods is a proven cancer cause. Then in the long promotion stage (growth) of cancer, animal products are known for hormone changes which increase cancer growth. So although there's no hard proof, the mechanisms are known. Similar to smoking.
Overnutrition, particularly from ultra-processed foods, is a key driver of obesity
Overnutrition is a misnomer. Since ultra-processed foods lead to excess calorie, fat, salt and protein consumption, but possible under-nutrition.
Moreover, diets high in sugar and unhealthy fats...
The term "unhealthy fats" suggests there are healthy fats for humans. Evidence suggests that isn't the case. There are essential fats that we need in tiny amounts. But natural overtly high fat foods are still unhealthy to eat in larger amounts. There is no type of fat which doesn't cause atherosclerosis in humans. If you don't believe me, get a blood test for your cholesterol. Then eat larger amounts of nuts, seeds and avocados for at least a month. Then get another blood test for cholesterol. I've already done this self experiment. But that's not the only evidence I've seen.
These healthier snacks include nuts, fruits or dark chocolate. These options still satisfy cravings without the health risks.
Nuts and dark chocolate may only be marginally healther. So not "without the health risks". Just non-tropical (low fat) fruit would be a better option. Avoid snacking altogether might be an even better option.
Hydrate: Often, we confuse thirst for hunger. Drinking water can curb cravings and improve overall health. Your skin will start glowing in no time.
No it won't. It's amazing what falehoods are written in some of these articles.
On a positive note, I agree with the following. But although "nutrient-dense" natural foods may be an advantage. Less nutrient-dense natural foods are still an advantage if it means avoiding the processed foods. The extremes and "superfoods" aren't necessary.
The modern diet, heavy on ultra-processed foods, isn’t just a health risk – it’s a societal issue. And while not everyone has the resources to follow his hi-tech regimen, the principles he advocates, like avoiding junk food and prioritising nutrient-dense meals, are universally applicable.