Training from 30 Km to 80 Km Sydney - Gong

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Re: Training from 30 Km to 80 Km Sydney - Gong

Postby trailgumby » Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:27 pm

Shaolin_stud wrote:Trailgumby, I wish I was as cool as you with the surfing! I think I might stick to swimming to help my core strength + its nice to be doing something a litle bit different.
I'm not sure that swimming is all that effective for core strength. What works your core in surfing is stabilising yourself on a board and the flick to standing, especially on the shortboard I used to ride. (With the loss of shoulder strength and power-to-weight as a result of my injury, my shortboard days may be over for good. :cry: Will be trying a long fish board in a couple of months.)

I've been swimming regularly as part of my rehab, and the use of abs, twist and back extension machines have been of greater value for core.

A beginners Pilates class might get you quicker and better results if the appropariate machines are not available at your local gym.

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Re: Training from 30 Km to 80 Km Sydney - Gong

Postby Shaolin_stud » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:07 pm

Hmmm, You might have a point Trailgumby. I think I'll do the swimming only in the summer when I need a break from the gym... Is it weird that I spent the whole time at the gym/pool thinking about riding?

I've been mulling over a pillates class thinking it might be good for general health. How would you rate it as far as energy required goes? Is it something I could do after a Gym session or on a rest day?

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Re: Training from 30 Km to 80 Km Sydney - Gong

Postby Wayfarer » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:57 pm

Shaolin_stud wrote:Hmmm, You might have a point Trailgumby. I think I'll do the swimming only in the summer when I need a break from the gym... Is it weird that I spent the whole time at the gym/pool thinking about riding?

I've been mulling over a pillates class thinking it might be good for general health. How would you rate it as far as energy required goes? Is it something I could do after a Gym session or on a rest day?
No, not really; lifting a dumbell repetatively and following black lines are far less fun than swimming :) Put it this way; what it seems like you want to achieve is good general health, and the fact that you're interested in all these activities is already a positive factor in your overall wellbeing. Anything you chose to do can positively influence your cycling, and can help you during rest days, recovery, injury rehab etc.. When i did yogalaties (hybrid of yoga and pilates..), i found it easier to do on rest days, but usually not after gym (since it takes the heck of alot out of you!) It doesnt get your heart pumping as much, but definitely helps your flexibility and posture..
What are these salesmen peddling?

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Re: Training from 30 Km to 80 Km Sydney - Gong

Postby Shaolin_stud » Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:54 pm

Hey Wayfarer,

Yogalaties sounds great! I'll have to get myself a spot at my local gym and give it a try!

Scored a second hand Bike comp from Gf's Dad last night - Finally will be able to plot my Km's without!!!!!

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