Plant Based Diet Thread

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Re: Plant Based Diet Thread

Postby am50em » Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:29 pm

But does USA data correspond to Australia?

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Re: Plant Based Diet Thread

Postby Nobody » Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:02 pm

am50em wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:29 pm
But does USA data correspond to Australia?
I believe you asked this question before and the answer is still unknown. But it may be a good indicator of what is likely to be more problematic.

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Re: Plant Based Diet Thread

Postby am50em » Fri Sep 27, 2024 8:08 pm

Yes I did. I would not assume US practices/results translate closely to Australian practices/results. They may, they may not.

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Re: Plant Based Diet Thread

Postby Nobody » Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:16 pm

am50em wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:48 pm
From wikipaedia
Barbara O'Neill (born 28 July 1953[1]) is an Australian alternative health care promoter who advertises unsupported health practices described as misinformation and a risk to health and safety by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission.[2][3][1] She does not have any recognised qualifications and did not finish nursing training, and has presented her claims at alternative medicine organisations, wellness retreats, and Seventh-day Adventist Churches.[4][5] She is married to Michael O'Neill, the founder of the now-defunct Informed Medical Options Party, an anti-vaccination and anti-fluoride political group.[5]
Addressing the issue of a person's lack of dietary/nutrition qualifications.

Most of the plant based pioneers are the same. Many have qualifications in other fields, but not often nutritional science. T. Colin Campbell and his son Thomas being the exceptions IIRC. Most are MDs, but not trained in research. Yet Ornish, Esselstyn and Barnard are all well known for their research. McDougall was one of the most knowledgeable people in plant based research knowledge. But he was a MD. Goldhamer runs the most famous fasting center in the world that I know of. They claim to have seen 25,000 patients and never had a fatality. Yet he's a chiropractor. There are many examples.

So I try not to rule anyone out initially. I'm slowly building knowledge and experience. I think I have enough these days to compare what someone is saying with what I've learnt in the past. I use that as a test. But I've been conned in the recent past too from people like Greger, Fuhrman, Udo, etc. Saying that high fat plant foods are good for human health. I've since convinced myself from self experimentation/testing and listening to others that this isn't the case. Low fat is the way to go for the majority of people. Usually the lower the better. McDougall was the biggest advocate for that. Too bad I didn't take what he said seriously enough until recently.

The pioneers are self taught because the qualification system for dietitians/nutritionists is run by the food industries, as has been the case for over a century. That's why dairy is a food group and they were taught that everyone needs to get all the food groups. Clearly some RDs are moving away from that teaching. RDs and nutritionist are all about getting all the nutrients - often in abundance - over the long term harm the recommended foods often do. The results of these teachings are clear to see in many countries. My philisophy about food is the opposite. Avoiding harm and toxicity from diet is far more important that getting all the nutrients in abundance. Especially if one has no symptoms of deficiency. We only need tiny amounts of essential fats and very small amounts of protein.

As for Barbara O'Neill. I posted that video. But from what I've seen of most of the other videos she presents in, I wouldn't post anything else so far. Many have click bait titles and I disagree with much of what I've heard from her.

Anyway, no one makes us read this thread or click on any of the links. For all the unintentional misleading I've done in the past, I apologise. On subjects I'm not sure about I'll often post both sides of the story so people can make up their own minds.

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