RonK wrote:
I think you are confusing a fuel-stove only rule which is common in state and national parks, with a fire ban - which is another thing entirely.
Sorry, can't help with the adaptor though. If I were travelling in an area where supplies were doubtful I just carry an extra canister.
I prefer to carry two small canisters over a single larger one anyway, just in case a valve should leak or whatever. Since I now use a Kovea Spider instead of a Pocket Rocket, I don't have to precariously balance the pot on top of a canister-mounted burner, so the small ones are just fine.
I agree that I'm confusing the fuel-stove only rule and the blanket fire ban as I was previously unaware that there was both.
With regards carrying an extra canister, I strongly suspect you'd research more carefully than me in order not to carry those extra grams
I very much like the Kovea Spider for its petiteness with regards bulk/weight as well as its superior balance when burdened with a filled pot.
I've lost a couple of meals due to inattention and overbalancing my MSR Pocketrocket.
I've since grabbed a MSR base support to improve things.
I'ts really been under utilised due to my preferring the convenience of my other stove options and I can't see being updated with the Kovea in the short term due to a perceived lack of necessity.
If I'm in the mood for multi-fuel options I've my Omnilite Ti (Primus) but I've become pretty much inclined to the convenience of my Trangia 28 series which really caters well to my eating and drinking habits especially as I like a cup of tea as part of many of my meals.
This would be a PITA with merely one pot style of cooking.
Warin wrote:rifraf wrote:People are supposed to eat their food cold during the height of summer? Sounds almost Victorian..... Oh wait
Same attitude in NSW.. you plan on cold food .. or don't eat.
Being 'unaware' may not be an excuse... but on a remote trip you may not be. And you may not be found out. At the same time you are more at risk in such situations so may well take sensible precautions.
Great to know as I've obviously failed to educate myself properly in this regard and inadvertently set myself up for a possible fine.
Thanks for topping up my awareness of the issue.
No probs with regards cold food as a simple change of approach and some forethought is all thats needed to cater to eating at a time when I'm unlikely to desire "hot" food anyway.
I'm likely going to have more issue adjusting to the lack of heated drinks with my addiction to tea and coffee currently at an all time high.
Surly Ogre, Extrawheel trailer.